
magic the house

Winston Churchill had a daughter named Marigold. Marigold.

I wonder if I will ever have a daughter. If I do perhaps she will already come to me with a name. Maybe I will have two daughters, or three. I have a friend with three and they seem to bring her nothing but joy. Of course they are still small, and daughters – if I or this particular friend are any indication – can grow into quite a headache when we’re older. But I think if she has another baby it will be girl again, and secretly she will be pleased.

In a game of Life last weekend I filled my plastic car with little pink pegs, surprising even myself. Greg Brown has a lovely song about daughters. I guess she lives on air and sun and noodles. Greg Brown has a daughter named Pieta.

My friend in Los Angeles has a daughter who last week locked her out of the house, and this daughter is only two. She knew what she was doing. She laughed as my friend pounded on the door. My friend was furious, and proud. She does not want her daughter to be obedient. For this she endures many things.

The AD has a daughter who is eight. I’m not sure if she likes me, but I’m sure she doesn’t like the idea of me. It’s a complicated distinction to be able to make at eight, and for this I give her credit. It is strange to admire someone for their ability to not like the idea of you.

I think if I ever have a daughter, and if I get to name her, I will name her something silly and marvelous like Marigold. I will try to teach her about all the things that don’t matter and about the few things that really do. That’s what I think now. You have all these plans about what kind of parent you will be, says my friend in Los Angeles. But then you have a child, and it turns out you had no idea.

Happy mother’s day.


Kira said...

This is how out of it I am - I read the first paragraph and wondered, "Who does Jenn know with 3 daughters?" Oh yeah. My next baby will be a boy. I just know it. Or at least the one after that.

You are a fabulous aunt and you would make a fantastic momma to a little girl (or a boy). But I will never let you name her Marigold.

p.s. - Winston Churchill was a preemie.

Ben said...

Daughters are wonderful. Mine is just like me. Which will make things harder I think.

I have a few reminders of what not to do; I also remember telling myself all the things I would and would not do. I think the experience of holding a newborn in my arms knocked those ideas clean out.

Now I'm just winging it. It seems to be working out ok.

tortaluga said...

yeah, ben, i hear that daughters can be wonderful. of course, i've also heard this:

"Dear reader, if you are childless, know this: If and when you have children it will be one of the most disgusting endeavors of your lifetime. It begins with morning sickness and never stops. Forever and ever."

now, hmm... where was it i read that? oh yeah. your blog.

Ben said...

Disgustingly wonderful