

No one is writing much anymore and I’m no exception. I don’t think anyone has time for reading, either. It’s practically summer. The days are so long now that life seems to have doubled. My friends are frenzied. My camping gear stays packed. My radishes are as big as your head. Ok, not really that big. But big.

This year is going somewhere fast, and I’ve given up keeping track of it. At this point I’m just holding on. I’ve been to Bend twice so far, for the hot dry days of hiking. I’ve been to fireworks and parades. I’ve pinned up my laundry in the yard. The AD pruned my maple and hung my gutters. All the babies I know keep doing things they didn’t used to do. What if this is how it goes from here on out?

I’m sitting at my desk right now, sipping chocolate milk, being in the moment. But in one hour and five minutes I will head out into the sunshine, and the bright warm world will be mine for four more hours, and suddenly it will be September. My calendar keeps filling up so I print out more pages.


David said...

I'm reading!

talley said...

me too!!

erinp said...

me three

Jaime said...

Me four!

...or is it me five?
Are Erin and john one person or two? I always get confused we have to count off...

rootstock said...

me five or six!

tortaluga said...

hahahaha. you guys rock.

Anonymous said...

I'm reading too, but I didn't feel the need to 'chime in' to let you know. I'm always waiting to read a good new post from you.

Anonymous said...

hey anon - in what way did you not "chime in"? get over yourself. tortaluga rocks and there is nothing wrong with telling her so.

tortuga said...

ok, now this is just getting weird.

dear anons: thank you both for commenting. there's no need to but i certainly appreciate it.